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65th Princess Kay of the Milky Way to be Crowned Wednesday Evening, August 22

August 6, 2018


3 minute read

ST. PAUL, Minn. – On the eve of the Minnesota State Fair, Minnesota’s dairy community will officially kick off the Great Minnesota Get-Together by celebrating the coronation of the 65th Princess Kay of the Milky Way. On Wednesday evening, August 22, reigning Princess Kay, Emily Annexstad of St. Peter representing Nicollet County, will pass her crown on to one of 12 county dairy princesses vying for the title.


65th Princess Kay of the Milky Way Coronation


Wednesday, August 22, 8 p.m.
(Princess Kay is crowned at approximately 9 p.m.)


Minnesota State Fair Band Shell


  • Current Princess Kay Emily Annexstad
  • 12 candidates vying to be the 65th Princess Kay
  • Midwest Dairy representatives, family, friends, general public

Princess Kay of the Milky Way serves as the official goodwill ambassador and spokesperson for Minnesota’s nearly 3,500 dairy farmers. Just like her predecessors, this year’s Princess Kay of the Milky Way will bring dairy to life by talking with fairgoers, making educational classroom visits throughout the year, and connecting with people in the community at public events and more. The finalists for the title of 2018-2019 Princess Kay of the Milky Way are:

  • Amy Broll, 21, of Chaska, representing Carver County; daughter of Dan and Kathie Broll
  • Blaize Dankers, 19, of Plainview, representing Wabasha County; daughter of Travis and Annette Reimers
  • Katherine Gathje, 19, of Richmond, representing Meeker County; daughter of Scott and Denise Gathje
  • Laura Grimm, 20, of Waconia, representing Carver County; daughter of Joel and Barb Grimm
  • Megan Hollerman, 20, of Burtrum, representing Todd County; daughter of Shawn and Debbie Hollerman
  • Korissa Lindquist, 20, of Kerkhoven, representing Kandiyohi County; daughter of Rod and Naomi Lindquist
  • Calissa Lubben, 19, of Edgerton, representing Rock County; daughter of Cal and Char Lubben
  • Ashley Maus, 19, of Freeport, representing Stearns County; daughter of Darrel and Lisa Maus
  • Melendy Miller, 20, of Plainview, representing Wabasha County; daughter of Stacy and Julie Miller
  • Julia Mullenbach, 18, of Rose Creek, representing Mower County; daughter of Al and Lynette Mullenbach
  • Rebekka Paskewitz, 20, of Browerville, representing Todd County; daughter of Alan and Vicki Paskewit
  • Catherine Thompson, 19, of Plainview, representing Olmsted County; daughter of Donny and Holly Thompson.

About the Princess Kay Program

Each year, nearly 100 young women from across Minnesota are crowned county dairy princesses. In May, nearly 50 county dairy princesses participated in judging to become Princess Kay finalists. Dairy princesses are selected on the basis of their communication skills, personality, general knowledge of the dairy community and its products, and their commitment to dairy promotion. The program gives many young women the opportunity to represent the lifestyle in which they were raised. Dairy princesses serve as spokespeople to consumers, conduct media interviews, make classroom visits to educate students about dairy, give speeches to various organizations and make public appearances at promotions or events.

Princess Kay candidates and Minnesota’s county dairy princesses are daughters of dairy farmers, employees of dairy farms, or daughters of dairy farm employees. They must be graduating seniors in high school when crowned, and not yet 24 years old, and they must not be married.