Virtual Farm Tour
Not everyone gets the opportunity to see where their food comes from, but thanks to a partnership with Pipestone System, Midwest Dairy recently collaborated with Carlson Dairy in Minnesota to create an interactive virtual farm tour. This interactive tour takes you through various spots on a dairy farm, including the milking process, baby calves, milk transportation, recycling, and more.

Meet Our Dairy Farmers
Dairy farmers are hard working and innovative, especially when it comes to taking care of their animals and the environment. Most dairy farms are family-owned, and there are many ways you can support dairy farmers. Dairy farmers are also active in their local communities, helping with projects and being involved in different organizations.
The Midwest is home to thousands of dairy farmers who are committed to being good stewards of the land, resources, and their cows. Get to know the farmers that produce your favorite dairy foods and see why they love what they do and how they take care of their animals, land and community.

Farm Life Infographics
Dairy farmers across the United States have made substantial efforts throughout the years thanks to advances in cow care, nutrition, technology, and more. See how each state in our 10-state region has made an effort from the 1970s to today to become more sustainable through innovation, conservation and dedication. Download your state infographic to learn more.

Welcome to the Farm!
Want to learn more about where your favorite dairy products are produced? While consumers are interested in seeing where milk comes from, not everyone can visit a dairy farm in person. Explore a dairy farm as you you take this 10-stop video tour to experience how milk from real cows, on a real Midwest farm, becomes the fresh, naturally nutrient-rich dairy foods you love. You’ll learn more about dairy farm families, animal nutrition, how dairy farms recycle, the differences between dairy cow breeds, and more.
Plus, educators, don’t miss the discussion guides for grades 3-6, 7-9, and 10-12 available for the tour!

Dairy Cows
Like dogs or horses, there are many different breeds of cows. While the two most recognized and well-known breeds of dairy cattle are the Holstein cow and the Jersey cow, there are several more! Learn more about each type of cow, their origins, fun facts, and more, plus how dairy cows are the ultimate upcyclers.

Got Questions About Farm Life?
We have the answers!
We’ve compiled some commonly asked questions about dairy farming, dairy cows and their care, sustainability and milk.

Got Questions About Dairy Nutrition?
We have the answers!
Do you have questions regarding dairy nutrition? Check out dairy nutrition information for the answers you need.