In early March, the Illinois Stewardship Alliance (ISAP) supported a week dedicated solely to soil health. Throughout the week, 27 different events were offered to a diverse group of crop advisors, farm journalists, local food reporters, conservation districts, farm-to-school coordinators, environmental consultants, and many others. Included in these events was a virtual lunch and learn discussion, Digging into Soil Health on Illinois Dairy Farms, with Midwest Dairy partnered on them with. Jim Isermann, the soil health specialist from the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership, moderated the session, and two Illinois dairy farmers, Andy Lenkaitis of Lenkaitis Holsteins, located in St. Charles, Illinois, and Nate Dinderman of Hunter Haven Farms, located in Pearl City, Illinois participated in the panel discussion.
The panel covered topics such as cover crops, crop rotation, manure management, and forage management, concluding with a conversation about changes they have seen in farm practices. You can view their interesting discussion HERE. This link was shared with those who registered for the event and was sent out to all those who participated in the events throughout Soil Health Week.