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Dairy Resource Center


Milk Makes the Grade

Discover how milk makes the grade for students and school nutrition professionals. Discover information about milk and how it’s produced as well as facts that…

Rethink Your Drink

It’s time to rethink your drink because when it comes to nutrition, milk delivers!

Kids Love Cold Milk Fact Sheet

Give kids what they love – nutritious COLD milk!

Low-fat Chocolate Milk is Back

Learn how low-fat flavored milks can have a place in school meal programs!

Food Models – Leader Guide

This leader guide helps teach nutrition recommendations in fun ways.

Food Models – Meat Group

Show the nutritional value and suggested serving sizes of popular meat foods.

Food Models – Milk Group

Utilize these colorful dairy food models to educate on serving sizes and nutritional value.

Food Models – Other Group

These food models showcase popular snack foods, their suggested serving sizes, and nutritional value.

Food Models – Vegetable Group

Show the suggested serving size and nutritional value of popular vegetables.

Food Models – Fruit Group

Download handy food models and guides featuring an array of fruits.

Food Models – Grain Group

Download grain-focused food models and nutrition guides.

DASH Eating Plan

This flexible DASH eating plan encourages you to eat a wide variety of delicious foods.