Rural Health Toolkit
Share this Rural Health Toolkit with your local health providers, featuring tools they can use to help educate their patients and communities on the importance…

Bulk Milk Flyer
Wondering the benefits and considerations for implementing bulk milk at your school? Download our flyer to connect with school leaders to start planning a switch…

Generation Z Athlete Handouts
Meeting with Generation Z (Gen Z) student-athletes and want to share dairy’s sustainable nutrition information with them? Download this .zip file filled with messaging on…

Airplane Choo Choo: A Guide to Feeding Your Baby/una guía para alimentar a su bebé (Spanish)
Esta guía útil está diseñada para educar sobre la alimentación de bebés de 0 a 24 meses de edad.

Airplane Choo Choo: A Guide to Feeding Your Baby (English)
This helpful guide is designed to educate about feeding babies ages 0 to 24 months old.

School Foodservice Promotional Calendar
Prepare to go beyond the milk carton with this promotional calendar. You’ll discover the best times to plan and promote school breakfast, lattes in high…

Lactose Intolerance Kit
Individuals who are lactose intolerant do not have to give up the goodness of their favorite nutritious dairy products! Here are ways they can still…

Lactose Intolerance (Spanish)
¿Sabías que si tienes intolerancia a la lactosa, no necesitas renunciar a tus productos lácteos saludables favoritos? La mayoría de las personas con intolerancia a…

Lactose Intolerance (English)
Did you know that if you have lactose intolerance, you don’t need to give up your favorite healthy dairy foods? Most people with lactose intolerance…

20 Ways to Use Milk/20 Maneras de Usar la Leche (Spanish)
¿Está buscando maneras de usar su leche? ¡Mira estas ideas!

Making the Move Kit
Help transition your child from whole milk to skim milk with these tips.